Start Your Day the Right Way

Articles fitness health nutrition

Start the day the right way.

Our guest blogger today, Jonny of Next Step Nutrition gives us his lowdown on the health benefits of Lakeland Mues. He is on a mission to educate people about food and to clear up the nutrition myths that surround and confuse us on a daily basis.

"If you want an alternative to your regular toast and butter brekkie, or bowl of corn flakes, then look no further than a bowl of delicious Lakeland Mues.

Our common breakfast is high in refined carbohydrates, sugar, and usually leaves us hungry well before lunch.

The boys at Lakeland Mues have done a great job of combining wholegrain oats, fruit, and nuts, to create a delicious and nutritious breakfast option.

So, what are the health benefits of Lakeland Mues? And how can it set you up for the day?"

Wholegrain Oats and Fibre

"Each 45g serving of Mues has more fibre than your average bowl of supermarket breakfast cereal.

Fibre and wholegrain carbohydrates have been frequently shown to improve digestion, increase feelings of fullness, and provide slow, sustainable energy. Meaning you’re less likely to desire ‘elevenses’ and stay full until lunch.

Not only that, but due to the mixture of insoluble and soluble fibre contained in their ingredients, you’re getting a breakfast cereal that will help improve gut health and function."

Mixed Nuts/Seeds

"Whole nuts/seeds are excellent sources of dietary fat, which is vital for human health and hormonal function.

They are also excellent sources of vitamin E, iron, magnesium, and zinc.

So, a bowl of Mues is already setting up well for your essential vitamin and mineral intake - vital for optimal health and energy levels."

Higher Protein

"Due to the high proportion of nuts and wholegrain oats, Mues is higher in protein than your average breakfast cereal.

Protein is vital for health in several ways; it’s essential for immune function, growth and repair, and enzyme function.

I advocate all my clients interested in health increase their protein intake for these reasons as well as that protein also helps keep you fuller for longer, reducing snacking and over-eating later in the day.

Pair your Mues with a whey protein shake instead of milk for a well-rounded, balanced breakfast!"

Be Portion Aware

"Finally, note that a serving of Mues is 45g, this will be less than you think, so make sure you’re portion aware so that you don’t over-eat calories."

The Artman Classic

Jonny of Next Step Nutrition is dedicated to helping you reach your full potential through his Fitness & Nutrition training. Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, improve your sports performance or general health.

"No quick fix. No '6 weeks to flat abs'. Just real advice, coaching, and accountability, that brings real results. That’s where I come in. I’m not about ‘diets’. I’m about small lifestyle changes that make a big difference."

You can check out more of his articles at www.nextstep-nutrition.comNext Step Nutrition

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