Mues News — Cumbria
We won!! Artisan Producers of the Year 2023
Awards Awards for our Muesli Cumbria Cumbria Life Mues News News

Toasting to 2022
Adventures Cumbria Cumbria Life Skiddaw

A (slightly belated!) Happy New Year and best wishes for the year ahead! Hope you all had a cracking Christmas! We're excited for what's in store and have some big big Mues news that we hope to be able to share with you later in the year... In the meantime, the eagle-eyed Mues observer among you will have noticed we ran out of The Winter Wonder online over Christmas. Thankfully we've had a busy return to the kitchen and are now fully stocked up! For those Lake District fanatics, the shot above was from a little run up Skiddaw over Christmas...
We've made the front cover!
Articles Cumbria Cumbria Life Food Producer Mues News

Happy New Year!
Adventures Christmas Cumbria happy new year Lake District Winter

We won!
Awards Cumbria Cumbria Life Food Producer Lake District Product The Free Runner