A COVID-19 update from Lakeland Mues

COVID-19 Food Producer Mues News News

Social distancing & self-isolation Lake District style

Copyright Jeremy Cottingham Photography 2020


To our customers,

In these unprecedented times, firstly our thoughts go out to all those directly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic & wish you a speedy recovery. Given the turmoil facing all of us, we also wanted to reassure you that, pending any further guidance, we plan to continue producing breakfast for all of our loyal customers.

As a food business, we already operate high hygiene standards (rated 5/5 by Environmental Health) but have put into place extra measures in line with UK Government & WHO advice. On top of the additional hygiene & cleaning measures, we have limited the number of staff members on-site at any given time, have banned visitors & implemented social distancing in our office.

Where safe & feasible to do so, we encourage those of you who buy your Mues from your local independent retailer to continue to support them by doing so. Small businesses are a critical part of the UK economy & the fabric of our society and many will struggle to make it through.

If you are self-isolating or usually shop online, then we do offer a courier delivery service to your door (free of charge for orders over £20) through our website.

 As I'm sure you are all aware from the empty supermarket shelves, the demand can often exceed supply (the toasting oven can only run so fast!). Whilst we have been able to meet our orders so far, please bear with us in the coming weeks, particularly as we are starting to struggle to procure some of our ingredients.

Thank-you in advance for your patience & support during this tricky time. We wish all of you the very best for your health and well-being during this challenging period. Stay safe, follow the Government advice & enjoy your breakfast.

The Lakeland Mues Team

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